The Pacifier, For Or Against Its Use? – Being Parents

The pacifier, for or against its use?

Most specialists consider it favorable to use the pacifier or pacifier,  and above all, dentists explain that there is no problem as long as children stop using it before they are three years old.

An article approved by the Breastfeeding Committee from the Spanish Pediatric Association (AEP) informs that  the use of the pacifier is very established in developed societies.

Its use helps calm babies’ crying, get them to sleep,  and reduces stress and pain during unpleasant procedures or situations that cause worry and anxiety in parents.

Many health professionals and society in general believe that it is harmless  and even beneficial and necessary for infant development, supports EAF.

The same specialists explain that the use of the pacifier is the subject of controversy among professionals who recommend it or advise against it based on personal experience and not always on scientific evidence.

However,  its use is linked to a reduction in breastfeeding time and difficulties during this period,  an increased frequency of otitis media, dental problems and the risk of accidents.

In addition, recent studies have shown that its use is beneficial, especially during sleep,  as it reduces the risk of  sudden infant death syndrome .

Other well-researched and proven benefits of the pacifier relate to its analgesic effect and non-nutritive sucking  in premature and full-term babies.

Scientific studies prove that the pacifier does not damage the baby's teeth

The pacifier does not damage the teeth

The pacifier does not cause dental malformations if it is stopped before the age of three,  says the Spanish Society of Pediatrics, and such words overturn some deeply rooted beliefs among us.

This company reiterates what the AEP has approved, and stresses that pacifier use reduces the incidence of sudden death and alleviates anxiety and pain in children. She also ensures that there is data which shows that, if stopped at three years, the damage to the teeth is reversible.

When a child puts a pacifier in their mouth and realizes what experts call non-nutritive sucking,  the point of that act is not to ingest food.

Nevertheless, during this action, certain lower central teeth gradually move away inwards,  while those which are in the same plane, but on the upper jaw, tend to separate and protrude towards the left. outside, which causes what are called rabbit teeth.

It is estimated that, for the malformations to be substantial, it is necessary to exert a more or less constant pressure for six hours a day,  approximately. The time factor associated with the energy that the little one applies to the pacifier will mark the difference in this aspect.

“This explains why many children who use the pacifier do not develop any type of dental malocclusion,”  notes Jane Soxman, author of the article and member of the American Assembly of Pediatrics, referring to children who use the pacifier during one-off moments; when they go to bed, for example, or when they hold it only in the mouth without sucking it.

Continued use of the pacifier moves teeth, however this situation, as reflected in her work, is reversible within a few months of discontinuing use.

The main reason is that this does not produce any malformation of the temporomandibular joint  or significant bone deformities which modify the final dental arch.

For these reasons, and although the experts believe that it is desirable to withdraw the pacifier gradually around the two or three years of the child, they also point out that this is not a fixed rule.

There are other determining factors which can make the delay more flexible,  such as the degree of maturity of the child or certain medical or psychosocial circumstances.

The pacifier can help the child to calm down, but there are also other means of soothing.

Tips for using the pacifier

Although the Spanish Society of Pediatrics mentions that there is no definitive data for or against the use of the pacifier, it nevertheless recommends the following:

  • Try not to use the pacifier during the baby’s first days of life.
  • Even if the temptation is great, it is surely best to resist, as this will encourage the establishment of successful breastfeeding.
  • Avoid using the pacifier as a means of delaying a meal.
  • It is better for your child to use a pacifier to satisfy his desire for sucking rather than one of the fingers of his hand, usually the thumb.
  • If your child uses the pacifier, don’t have just one as it is easy to lose and in some cases it can lead to crying, anger, etc.
  • Many children use the pacifier to calm themselves down, especially during the weaning period or when parents are away.
  • For older children, do not punish them if they use a pacifier, it will be more difficult for them to stop it permanently.

    The Spanish Pediatric Society also makes these recommendations:

    She maintains exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life as a protective factor against sudden infant death syndrome.

    In breastfed newborns, it is advisable to avoid the pacifier during the first days of life  and not to give it up when breastfeeding is well established, usually from the first month, when the risk of death. sudden infant starts.

    Professionals should be aware that the use of the pacifier is sometimes a sign of breastfeeding difficulties, so they identify this type of situation and acquire the skills to properly help mothers, as well with the technique of breastfeeding.  breastfeeding than by instilling self-confidence.

    In neonatal units with painful procedures, if it is not possible for the baby to suckle, the  non-drug analgesic method should be offered sucking from a pacifier.

    In children who are artificially breastfed, it is strongly recommended to use a pacifier,  as they have other characteristics that may increase the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

    Healthcare professionals should be aware that in addition to the pacifier, there are other techniques for calming a baby,  such as skin-to-skin contact and other non-nutritious sucking methods.

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