The Use Of Free Time Among Adolescents – Being Parents

The use of free time among adolescents

Free time corresponds to all those moments when we have no obligations and we can devote ourselves to rest and leisure. Children spend their free time playing, drawing, or spending time with parents and siblings.

However, in adolescence,  young people begin to move away from the family nucleus and claim their first outings with their friends. But if the use of free time among adolescents is inadequate, it can generate other complications.

Many parents complain and worry about dating their teenagers. They feel that their friends are a bad influence and try to keep them from bonding with these people.

But this vigilance must begin at an early age, during infancy. Indeed, we must not forget that, our intervention, as parents, will considerably determine the choices of our children when they reach puberty.

A teenager who rides a bicycle.

The use of free time among adolescents: what do their different choices depend on?

Although adolescents share many common situations and changes, their personal decisions are not necessarily the same. They may feel insecure about their physical upheaval, fear of rejection, and the need to fit in.

In addition, they are in the midst of research and construction of their own identity, but the paths they take to achieve this are different. So why do some decisions seem more sound and appropriate than others?


It is within the family that the personality of the child is forged and that the essential values ​​are transmitted. This fundamental aspect will have a considerable impact on the future choices of the young person. A child who grows up surrounded by love and who has developed good self-esteem will be protected, at least in part, against the misuse of free time.

On the other hand, teens tend to bond with peers who share their values, goals, and personalities. Indeed, a young healthy and athletic will probably not feel an affinity with another who uses his free time to harm his body through harmful substances. Likewise, a self-confident child will be more able to withstand group pressure.

Another example, a responsible teenager who has a good relationship with his parents will not feel the need to challenge and disobey them.

In short, if you want to prevent your child from finding himself in the midst of bad company and influence, then focus not on others, but on him or her. Build a solid foundation, his personality will then lead him to choose the right path.

The alternatives

Sometimes,  the misuse of free time among adolescents stems from their lack of alternatives and activities. If young people do not know how to spend their free time, they risk wasting it or getting involved in activities that are not recommended. Therefore, providing them with a variety of healthy, age-appropriate recreation options is paramount.

Sport is one of the best ways to spend your free time. Because it not only helps to keep them in good health, but it also strengthens their social ties. In addition, it helps instill values ​​such as effort, discipline or teamwork.

You can also help your child find fun and appropriate ways to spend time with their friends. Try to establish a relationship of trust with him so that he does not hesitate to ask you questions and is also ready to listen to your opinions and suggestions. Get involved, offer him a weekend in nature or invite his friends over to the house.


Finally, it is necessary to set clear limits for our children during adolescence. Young people tend to complain and resist parenting rules, but in reality they allow them to feel supported and contained.

A sad young girl.

So be aware of your children’s plans and friends. This is not about invading their privacy, but rather fulfilling your responsibility as parents to protect them. Also set out and return home times that are appropriate for the child’s age.

The importance of free time for adolescents

Activities and groups in which young people spend their free time are essential. It’s not just about keeping them busy, preventing them from getting bored or having a group of friends at all costs. This leisure time in adolescents shapes their personality, which is in the process of being constructed.

Finally, the experiences of adolescence mark us deeply, for better or for worse. Thus, it is possible to come out injured, or stronger. Therefore, we must try to  offer them the best opportunities as well as the best advice to choose their path.

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