Things I Shouldn’t Forget In My Baby’s Keychain – Being Parents

What I should not forget in my baby's keychain

There are endless products for babies on the market. In most cases, one can easily find different designs in any color of the rainbow. Of course, the quality can also vary, as well as the price. But some products are not essential. Sometimes, in our happiness, we buy things that are not the most important.

We do not always have a very precise idea of ​​what we are going to need. Women who are expecting their first child are particularly embarrassed. Fortunately, those who have already gone through this step can help others make a list of essentials that should not be forgotten in your keychain.

Of course, you also have to ask yourself what the keychain will be used for. Is this the bag you will take to the hospital for childbirth? Or business for the newborn? Either way, these are products that you will need for the first few months. You will therefore take some of them to the hospital at the time of delivery.

The 15 essentials for my baby’s keychain

Believe it or not, there is definitely a good way to prepare your outfit. Indeed, there are products and things that all parents need. Of course, you can add other products to your list, as you wish or if you have a good reason to do so, but they are not essential items.

Be careful not to overdo it. There is no need to buy the same product in several models or in too large a quantity. If it is to go to the hospital, remember that you will not be staying there for long. If it’s for the first few months, consider that your family and friends are going to be doing a lot of small gifts. Now, let’s prepare your baby’s trousseau in peace and serenity.

Baby clothes are essential in a keychain.

Here are the fifteen items that you should not forget while preparing your baby’s keychain. We have provided everything you need for care, wardrobe and food:

  • Muslin blankets and diapers in a small bag
  • Several cotton t-shirts
  • Diapers for newborns
  • Wet towels
  • A comb, a hairbrush and a nail file
  • Cotton and alcohol
  • Small wool or cotton slippers
  • Several pairs of socks
  • Bath towels
  • Pajamas or sleeping bag
  • Beanies or fleeces
  • Bodysuits or pants with feet
  • A coat
  • Baby bottles
  • Clothes for going out, depending on the circumstances

We must not forget the baby booties in his keychain.

The quantity varies according to our needs. For example, we can receive the same gift several times. In this case, it is not necessary to take everything to the hospital. Likewise, diapers for newborns are only essential for a very short period of time. Fifty should be enough. At the hospital, you can only take one.

As for feeding, if you are breastfeeding your child, that may be enough, but not always everything goes as planned. You may need to feed your baby formula. This is why you will need bottles. You may also need breast pumps and breast protection, but these are not necessarily essential items.

It will be necessary to ensure that the baby is well covered. It is for this reason that you must have hats and socks. You have to regulate your temperature. Remember that the baby still has to adapt to its new environment, which is very different from the mother’s womb. Whatever the season, it must always be well protected.

We also advise mothers-to-be to pack their own bags to carry the things mothers need before and after childbirth.

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