What If My Child Is Crying For Nothing? – Being Parents

What if my child is crying for nothing?

Crying is one of the main forms of expression for babies and young children. It is a way to get the attention of their parents. And, in this way, they get to be taken care of.

Thus, for  many parents wonder during this stage why their child is crying for nothing. Below we will outline a series of easily identifiable ideas, tips and situations.

The main causes of crying

Babies and young children often complain. They often cry when they are hungry and sleepy because they are particularly sensitive to these stimuli. But in addition to these causes that are considered normal, we can highlight others:

  • When the child sees that it is  only when he cries that we pay attention to him. 
  • At the moment  crying becomes a perfect way to always get what he wants. Parents tend to soften up because of their tears. So they end up allowing the child whatever he wants.
  • If the child is physically uncomfortable. Changing the baby’s position frequently is essential when traveling. This is crucial because it avoids the irritation that can bother him. It also keeps it clean and makes this task a pleasant one. It is also the first step in establishing a hygiene habit.
  • Pain. At this time, the baby is in a phase of continuous adaptation. And on more than one occasion, it will be painful. In particular, they often present with  intestinal pain, whether due to gas, constipation or colic.
  • The loneliness of the baby. Although the child go well physically, he can  e xigez more times. Gestures of affection and protection of those around him,  especially parents.

    It often happens that a newborn baby cries for nothing.

    Instructions on what to do if your child is crying for nothing

    At first, it is normal that when faced with episodes where your child cries for nothing, you are not sure how to react. Therefore, here we offer you a series of tips. You can follow these guidelines so that this moment does not become uncomfortable for both of you.

    • Try to identify crying and its cause by relating it to different contexts and situations.
    • If you can’t take care of him at this time,  try to let him know that you are aware that he needs you and that you will listen to him as soon as possible.
    • If your child is learning to speak,  ask him to tell you what is happening to him in words.
    • Respond to her crying in different ways. For example, with gestures of love, kisses, hugs or motivating phrases.

    Is crying associated with sensitivity?

    First, we will  separate the tears. On the other hand, we will talk about sensitivity. So, we will try to get to the heart of the problem.

    Crying and the stage of imitation

    It is necessary to underline that every child, at a certain moment of his vital development, lives a special stage. In it, he  shows a greater ability to put himself in the other’s shoes. This usually happens at a very young age when still babies. And this stage can last up to 2 or 3 years in some cases.

    During this period, the  children tend to follow others when they cry or laugh. That is, they imitate them. It could be described as a “contagious” effect in a certain sense. The latter can only stop with its own maturity.

    It would be a predictable type of behavior at that age. Therefore, do not worry as it will happen over time and as the child grows.

    Crying and the start of the school term

    However,  if this attitude continues for longer than normal, and after the start of the school stage, you should start to observe it carefully. Here we see that the triggers for crying are the most scattered. A problem at school, fights with siblings or friends, for example. Or just something they don’t like.

    In this case, we need to be patient and identify the situations that bother your child in a short period of time. In other words,  it is about evaluating situations related to crying. As well as the field in which they occur.

    Child cries for nothing

    Crying and hypersensitivity

    And lastly and, therefore, in the most extreme case, we have hypersensitivity. The profile of hypersensitive children is that they tend to be very observant. So much so that they can be aroused by any stimulus. For this reason, they develop a great creative and imaginative capacity.

    The most effective advice  for dealing with children with these characteristics is to make it easier to express these inner feelings. The main thing is that they can show them to the world. And for that, we have to pave the way without any kind of barrier.

    The stage in which the child cries for nothing is really transitory. During this period, and to avoid unpleasant and uncomfortable situations for the family and especially for the child, the figure of the parents becomes a fundamental pillar.

    The behavior they adopt to try to channel their child’s crying is essential. It is up to them to follow a correct procedure so that soon they will stop handkerchief for their child’s tears whenever it is needed.

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