What Is The Ideal Weight For A Woman During Pregnancy? – Being Parents

What is the ideal weight for a woman during pregnancy?

A pregnant woman often asks herself: what is the ideal weight for a woman during pregnancy? How Much Healthy Weight Should I Maintain?

Throughout pregnancy, the weight a woman can gain varies greatly. Likewise, a woman’s appetite can vary a lot, depending on this the weight she can gain can also vary.

Suppose a woman is at her healthy weight before she becomes pregnant. It is recommended, according to experts that she takes, throughout her pregnancy, between 11.5kg and 16kg.

However, every body is different and some women will only gain a kilogram while others gain up to 18kg. What is important is that everyone has a healthy baby and that they are able to regain the ideal weight they had before pregnancy.

Should we gain a kilo per month?

There is an assumption that the mother gains a kilo from me which, in the end, would give us a total of 9kg during a pregnancy. Some mothers can reach up to 18kg, that is to say that they gain 2 kilos per month.

All this depends on each metabolism and daily habits (diet, physical activity etc.). At the same time, if we have any physical peculiarity that causes us to gain or lose weight, this will tell us how our weight will evolve throughout pregnancy.

As a priority, do not stop eating. If you feel like eating, eat. Put the brakes on sweets and carbohydrates whenever possible, but don’t despair. You don’t want to get sick of it while trying to keep in shape.

Keep in mind that the key is not to desperate to maintain an unreal figure.

ideal weight of a woman during pregnancy

Although the media and society convey a very strong negative aesthetic model, we must not let this deter us and follow our own pace. While respecting our body and taking care of our health and not trying to reach an ideal weight.

Don’t stop eating for any reason. This measure is totally contraindicated during pregnancy because when you eat little, the fats are not burned which generates ketone bodies which can reach the baby. These substances are toxic and can damage his nervous system.

The ideal weight and diet

It will always be important for pregnant women not to limit what they eat, because now is not the best time to do so, it is even the time to choose carefully what to eat mom.

The ideal is to eat all foods of plant origin such as fruits and vegetables without overdoing red meats, consuming them a maximum of 3 times a week. It is much more recommended to eat white meats.

Experts also recommend taking skimmed dairy products, olive oil, vegetables, whole foods such as bread, cereals and rice rather than refined flour. You have to put aside foods you need less like junk food.

A woman should not be obsessed with how much weight she will gain during pregnancy, nor should she try to eat less. However, there is the opposite extreme that she thinks that since she is going to put on weight, it doesn’t matter much.

There are women who take advantage of the fact or who use the pretext of the increased appetite to enjoy some good meals or unsavory recipes for both herself and the baby. When a person eats more than they need, the fat cells get bigger and bigger, thus increasing the volume of the person.

ideal weight of a woman during pregnancy

It is said that it is possible to gain up to 4 kilograms from food, it will not only increase the volume of adipocytes. This will also succeed in creating new adipocytes.

Obviously, the more weight a mother gains through excess food, the more difficult it will be to return to her previous weight afterwards.

Weight gain per quarter

  1. During the first trimester, weight gain is low. It is recommended to take between 0.5kg and 1.5kg. Some women do not gain weight or on the contrary lose weight due to nausea and other vomiting.
  2. In the second semester it is recommended to take between 3.5kg and 4kg.
  3. In the third trimester, this is when you will gain the most weight as the fetus was developing. He’s only just starting to gain weight. It is recommended to take between 5kg and 5.5kg at a rate of 400 grams per week.

If I eat little will the baby be small?

The answer is yes. Indeed, if the mother limits her intake a lot and lacks essential nutrients, the baby may have a low birth weight. This is why it is recommended not to starve under any circumstances and to eat in a healthy and balanced way.

Previously, it was believed that a pregnant woman should eat for two. She must certainly eat for herself and for the baby, but that does not mean that she must double what she eats. If a mother decides to eat more in the hope that her baby is grown up, she must be aware that the one who gains the pounds in between is the mother, not the baby.

Finally, we would like to remind you that there is NO ideal weight. There is no single value that determines how we all should be. This is a canon of beauty and not a reality.

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