What We Learn Gently, We Remember It With Love – Being Parents

What we learn gently, we remember it with love

As curious as it may sound, many parents and schoolteachers still follow sanctioning educational strategies.

They consider children to be a kind of blank page on which to force knowledge to be inscribed because children, it is well known, know nothing about nothing.

Instead of seeing education in this light, we should think of it as awakening. At this age, we open our eyes to life and the world.

Children should be educated by appealing to their curiosity and showing respect and affection. Love helps to fix memories and learnings.

There is an expression in Spanish that Goya drew up a table: “Lessons enter into the blood” . Of course, one cannot deny the importance of effort in education.

On the other hand, it is not very educational or justifiable to go as far as sacrifice. When we educate through rewards and corporal punishment, we dispossess children of their innocence and of the magic of childhood.

Learning gently, believe it or not, is the key to success. Educating children in tenderness and respect is to allow them to awaken to happiness and success.

To educate him gently is to guide him through emotional intelligence

Today, many education professionals advocate this awakening to the world and this education based on emotional intelligence.

Promoting positive values ​​and focusing on cooperative activities rather than competition can gradually yield great results.

If kindergartens, primary schools and institutions are gradually integrating these new methods, it is also necessary to get started at home. But we are sure that many parents who read us already follow these principles on a daily basis.

Indeed, you know that gentleness, understanding and emotional closeness are the most effective strategies when raising a little girl or boy.

We suggest that you explore these questions a bit in the next section. This could be of great help to you.

The child is not a blank page

We must forget the old approaches to the development and education of a child. This will allow us to be more efficient. No, our children are not “blank pages”. If so, they would all be the same and behave the same.

All children have different personalities.

  • As parents, you know that your baby or your two, three or six year old has a unique personality. He has a particular way of behaving, of reacting to his surroundings, of learning and of interacting with you.
  • It is by learning to know them, by understanding their emotions and how they interact with the world that we will be able to educate them successfully.
  • This journey called education will come to a successful conclusion if you show patience and gentleness. Indeed, children are not empty boxes. On the contrary, they are full of dreams, sometimes contradictory emotions, but also of fears.

Our role as parents is to explore their inner worlds to help them develop their potential.

Soft education: what is it?

We educate with patience and without rushing.

  • To educate gently is to educate with patience and without hurrying.
  • It is knowing the needs of our children.
  • Educating gently is also educating in a positive way and guiding your child in his learning, even when he is wrong or does something wrong. It is to say to him: “I am here, with you. I know you can do a lot better and I’ll help you. ”
  • To educate gently is to refuse to educate with cries or to compare one child with another. We don’t talk about their flaws, their quirks, their mistakes or their limits in front of them, as if they weren’t there.
  • A father or mother who gently educates his child knows very well what he or she wants for their child. Not that he’s perfect or the prettiest or the smartest. Above all, parents want their child to grow up to be a happy adult.

In conclusion, day after day, with your little treasures, never forget these three words: gentleness, patience and closeness. These words and their meanings are your greatest allies.

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