Why And How To Give Fewer Gifts To A Child – Being Parents

Why and how to give fewer gifts to a child

What mother does not wish to make her child happy by covering him with gifts? All parents wish to give gifts to their child, a pleasant life like an eternal feast.

However, a mountain of toys is not necessary to express the love you feel for your child or to celebrate their birthday.

Many adults express their love and joy at their child’s progress by giving them a gift or a big party. For these parents, it is important that their child receives a lot of gifts on the occasion of birthdays or Christmas.

This is the case for parents and other family members, who often tempted to buy a lot of toys, “overload” the child with gifts. 

There is nothing inherently wrong with giving a gift to a child. However, in education, any action on the part of the parents conveys values ​​to the child and has consequences, positive or negative, on his behavior and development.

Here are some tips to consider when giving gifts to a child.

5 tips for giving fewer gifts to a child

1. Most important are the people who are by our side

A happy family with two little boys

Gifts are part of the ritual of celebrating a birthday or a Christmas party. But  in the end, what the child will remember are the people with whom he celebrated this event.

When he grows up, he will likely remember what he shared  with his grandparents, cousins, friends, and others present. The moments of shared happiness, the laughter, the games and maybe the taste of the cake will be the things he will remember the most.

2. Giving a gift to others can be a good idea

Party guests can  organize to buy a gift together,  so that the child doesn’t get an avalanche of gifts and what’s more, duplicate gifts.

Buying a gift together can also buy something more durable that the child can enjoy longer.

3. Think about what toys to give as a gift

Play is an essential part of a child’s learning and development, so parents think a lot about what kind of toys they want for their children.

Therefore, in order to avoid receiving unwanted gifts or games that the child will not use, you can guide and advise grandparents and friends, or even make a small list of suitable toys. at the child’s age. They will undoubtedly appreciate the advice.

4. Better a little than a lot

Believe it or not, kids aren’t able to digest all of the gifts they receive,  and it’s normal that out of all the new toys they end up having a preference for just three or four of those toys.

In some cases, they will only be interested in one of them. It is therefore preferable to offer a few gifts to a child but of good quality, because many will spoil quickly or end up piled up in the cupboard.

5. Listen to the child’s wishes

When making a list, remember that the child’s opinion matters. After all, he is the one who will use these gifts.

You can also suggest that your child donate last year’s toys or some of the gifts they received to a charity, so that they can practice material detachment from an early age.

A little boy who does not need gifts and who plays pirate with a box and a cardboard tube

Why buy less gifts

If your child is attending a party where the invitee is younger, together you can choose a toy that is no longer used and in good condition. You will thus give it a second life so that it is no longer forgotten in the cupboard; and you will give your child a good lesson in environmental education.

The most appropriate term to describe the minds of children is “sponge”  because they absorb information, patterns and all teachings very quickly. They adopt and imitate everything they see with ease.

If given the opportunity to receive excessive gifts on every birthday or every time there is a party, they will unwittingly adopt spending habits  that will prevent them from appreciating the value of things and gifts.

Sharing will always be the best and healthiest way to receive and give gifts. Also, let’s face it, some adults like to play with the gifts they give more than the child himself.

And if that happens with adults, you can imagine how much fun your kids’ friends want to have with their new toys. Ultimately,  the perfect toy is one that everyone loves, one that can be shared and allowed to spend hours and hours enjoying together. 

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