You Are Expecting A Baby: 8 Tips For New Parents – Parenthood

Expecting a Baby: 8 Tips for New Parents

You are expecting a baby! Your world is filled with happiness, excitement and anxiety. Even more so if they are new parents. Because of this, you will begin to notice that a tsunami of advice begins to rain from several fronts. The first rule to face this new role will be, first, to follow your instincts: ignore 90% of these tips!

No one doubts it. These tips typical of grandmothers, neighbors and mothers are surely given with the best of intentions. However, many of them have either become obsolete or have no scientific backing. You will corroborate, among neonatologists and pediatricians, that these outdated suggestions should be overlooked.

Are you about to become a mother or father and want to get started? So take note, because the following tips we offer at Parenting are really great.

8 tips for new parents

You may be a little terrified of being new parents. The thought of being truly ready to be good parents tortures us day and night. But the reality is, you just need to follow these tips to experience this wonderful time in a unique way, enjoying it from start to finish:

  • You will get there, you are perfectly trained. It’s just about thinking about what’s best for your child and for you. Without fuss or problem. With the help of your pediatrician, you will know how to take care of him, no matter what others think of you.
  • A shared responsibility. Preparing bottles, changing diapers, or getting up in the middle of the night if the baby is crying is a responsibility of both parents. Getting involved in the care and protection of the child is a match for both mom and dad. Even if it surprises you, these tasks are favorable insofar as they strengthen the bond with the newborn baby.
  • Set up schedules and routines. If you want to be happy new parents without dying trying to be happy, the key is to establish times and times for certain actions and permissions to achieve order, good behavior and good habits at home. the child.
  • Pamper yourself, give yourself a “time out”.  It’s very likely that no one will say it or assume it, but being a parent is complex. So much so that, very often, you will feel frustrated that you cannot take it. It is not bad to go away an hour a week with your grandmother, to take the time to go out, to breathe, to eat quietly or to take a nap.
  • Watch its wings and let it take flight. The most important thing is, instead of molding your child the way you want him, to think about him. It’s just a matter of finding out who he is, and ultimately letting him be. It will always be good to be prepared for the unexpected, because it will happen eventually.
  • Say goodbye to demands on yourself. Don’t be hard on yourself. It is normal that some days you do not have all the patience in the world. It is also good that you allow yourself to neglect the things that are not important. Household can wait, life cannot. Do not ask too much, discover all the emotions that invade you.
  • Be grateful! Appreciate the possibility of having given life to your child. Because even those aspects that you probably find unpleasant are worth it. The poo, the snot, the crying, the screaming and the fights will be just a detail of the best thing that has happened to you in your life as a couple.
  • Prepare to die of love. It is difficult to understand, complex to prepare or understand until you have experienced it in your own loved one: it is love. You will find yourself loving yourself even more than you think. No, believe you haven’t yet, at least not this way. It will be the most wonderful thing in your life.

As you can see, it’s just about being united and experiencing the changes in a positive way. Surrender completely to this new spark that lights up before our eyes filled with love. Devote time to it and let out all this love that is beyond us. Follow what your hunches tell you and relax, because you’re going to do it just fine.

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