Your Baby’s First Birthday Is Yours Too – Parenthood

Your baby's first birthday is yours too

The first anniversary of your baby is not his party. It’s also your first year as a mom!

When we have our first child, we learn a lot of things as the days go by; because there is no manual that tells you how to be a good mother.

Have you ever wondered: How should my child’s first birthday be?

The famous brand of baby diapers, Pampers, carried out an emotional campaign and created a video called “a child’s first birthday is also its mother’s”. In the clip, we see in a very touching way all that a mother goes through and the road traveled during this first year.

Based on this video, here’s how you should celebrate your baby’s first birthday:

In the clip, we can see the story that many mothers know who take their babies to hospital consultations.

As the dads appear in parallel. They explain why their wives are also celebrating a year, and talk about everything they have done for their children. And if there’s one thing that’s really true, it’s that motherhood makes you stronger.

Each of them places pictures of their wives with their babies on the walls of the hospital corridors. With little notes saying how grateful they are for their work as mothers. They also remind them that they are not only celebrating their baby’s first birthday, but also theirs as mothers.

In this campaign, Pampers wants to congratulate mothers on their efforts, putting their children first, and giving them unconditional love. Wishing them their birthdays deeply touches mothers, who are moved.

A mom kisses her baby

So remember that when you go to celebrate your baby’s first birthday, you should also bake yourself a cake, to congratulate yourself on your work as a mom.

What does a mother experience during her baby’s first year?

We transform from “mother for the first time” to the best mom

Maybe at the beginning there will be a lot of things that you do wrong. But with time and experience, you will improve day by day.

Our body is no longer the way we wanted it to be

After having a child, we don’t feel at all comfortable with our body. But that’s okay after all these months with a little person inside. Everything will return to normal.

We got to know our child

Even though we often get carried away by other people’s advice, we come to understand that each baby has their own unique personality and preferences. And we understand through our actions what he likes and dislikes.

There is also a lot of advice that we don’t follow.

We always thank someone for giving us advice, even if we often don’t put it into practice. There will surely be many more like this.

A mom plays with her baby

There are a lot of times you haven’t slept

If you could count all the times you haven’t slept after your baby is born, you would simply lose count. There are a lot of nights without sleeping or resting in the first year, so that we can take good care of our baby.

Some people have become very important supporters

Between the accumulated lack of sleep, work, housework and everything that happens at home, we always need someone to support us in the moments when we need rest.

It was one of the hardest stages in the world, but it’s worth it

Each day that passed was more difficult than the last, but seeing our baby reach his 1 year strong and healthy, we know that all the efforts were worth it.

Even if he is already a year old, there is still a lot to learn

Learning from mistakes and being humble is most important in this step.

Our children will continue to grow, and we will always have new things to teach them. The main thing is to give them the best of ourselves and to be there whenever they need it.

It is not easy, and during all this time already, you have dedicated all your efforts to its well-being.

For now, enjoy your baby as much as you can, because time flies and when you least expect it, he will already be a teenager.

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